#founderhacks 48 - Finding Your Voice In The World with Pia Muggeraud


This week on #founderhacks we are joined by Pia Muggerud to talk about finding your voice in the world.

With 20 years experience as an executive coach, Pia draws upon a rich background of spiritual studies, therapeutic training and meditation techniques to help clients with their presentation and communication skills. She is also a published author of a book named, “She Rises for Tomorrow”.


Are you good enough?

During a train-the-trainer coaching session that nearly went horribly wrong Pia had an epiphany.

After drawing the short straw she was forced to present last in a room containing 20 of her peers. By the time her turn came to stand up and speak Pia was frozen by nerves. But, by telling everyone present that she was shaking with fear and by sharing her vulnerability she managed to turn things around and ended up transforming her slot in to a presentation masterclass. 

Pia learned she was, after all, good enough. She did this by giving herself permission to be herself.

This got us thinking. By being brave enough to be our true selves, without the fear, would the quality of lives and our business's performance improve? 


Who were you before the world told you who to be?

Untamed, a book by Glennon Doyle, has inspired Pia. 

It helped teach her that vulnerability can be a super-power like no other; that by giving herself permission to be brave, to stop striving to meet the expectations of the world, she was able to claim her own truth. As a consequence Pia now leads a better life and inspires other to do the same.

We all carry scars. Are they something to keep hidden away from the outside world or are they reminders of what got us to where we are now? Are you proud of your scars?


Claiming your truth

Like Pia, is vulnerability your super-power?

She realised that by being real enough to confront and admit what scares her it would unlock her potential.

Is doing this as a leader of your business infectious and will it allow others in your organisation do the same?

We may tell ourselves stories that we must be tough and we must be strong and that wearing a mask makes us safe but can we be brave enough to take those masks off so that everyone around us can work in an environment of truth? Will your company benefit as a result of doing this?

And finally.
A quote from the late, great Oscar Wilde, "Be yourself. Everyone else is taken".

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!