#founderhacks 54 - How do you choose to show up in your business?


In this edition of #founderhacks we are joined by social entrepreneur Amar Dani to debate how he chooses to "show up" in his business.

Amar is the founder of Dani Organics a leading supplier of organic food products. This amazing business employs 200 staff who support a network of 50,000 farmers across 4 continents


Your energy powers your business

Amar believes a founder's energy powers a business and how a founder chooses to focus that energy is key.

He uses his own considerable supply of it to mesmerise his clients, motivate his people and perform magic with his tens of thousands of suppliers.

Is that last point about bringing energy to a business's suppliers the main component of why Dani Organics has become so successful? We rather think it might be.


Is it right to try and be a friend and a leader rather than a boss?

Amar describes himself as a social entrepreneur. His friend-and-leader approach to how he shows up in his business has served him well.

Here on #founderhacks we have heard from others in the past with contradictory experiences. So who is right here?

Maybe by being true to who you are in your business, and avoiding trying to be someone you are not, gives a founder one of the most powerful leadership traits of all - authenticity.


Can you let go of your business and let your team do the magic?

Amar spends a lot of time flying around the globe meeting his farmers - this keeps him away from his key core team for extended periods of time which he finds gives his colleagues space and oxygen to grow.

A recent nasty bout of Covid forced him to completely step away from the business completely. This imposed absence ended up being really good for his company.

Although this week's theme is all about how a entrepreneur choses to shows up in their business, is not showing up at all sometimes the best way to run things?

And finally.
Here's a quote I quite like about autonomy, mastery and purpose by Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler from their book, "Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World"

Autonomy is the desire to steer our own ship. Mastery is the desire to steer it well. And purpose is the need for the journey to mean something

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!