#founderhacks no. 40 - Adapting as we emerge from the pandemic with James Burchell


This week's #founderhacks come from the marvellous James Burchell on the theme of adapting as we emerge from the pandemic.


Human Contact
As office based businesses begin to return to working in person many people are experiencing moments of re-connection and re-engagement.

It's a joyful feeling for many.

Whilst we're seeing a lot of the businesses we work with continuing to debate how and whether to return to being based in one place, together, maybe this is is an opportunity. What is it that's different and what it is that is enhanced when we can come together in person?  Could that guide us towards the new-new?

Most businesses seem to be converging on a hybrid.  Holding on to the appreciation of a different preference we have learned in lockdown, but providing the opportunity to be together.

Could the office become a place where we collaborate rather than the place we work? 


The Best of You
Entrepreneurs struggle with self doubt.  We don't tend to talk about it, but we do.

Vex King's Good Vibes, Good Life is about how self respect, self esteem and treating yourself with love is key to living the life you want.

It talks about developing positive habits.  Caring for yourself is a start point.  Essential if your ability to care for others is important (and in our experience, it is).

Equally, maybe there are environments or relationships that cause you harm - that in some way, for you, are toxic.

It's important to recognise people and places that are important to you.  We ere reminded of a quote from the Greatest Showman: "You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people".

We all have the power to choose the places and people we want to be around, and those we don't.  How we choose to use it, is up to us.


The Wheels on the Bus
This week's learned is a metaphor.

Our progress through life can be likened to a journey on a bus.

Every day, the bus arrives. Do we choose to get on it?

Every day, we have a chance to invite others to get on with us. We can choose who is with us on the journey.

Every day, the bus can take us somewhere. Do we take the wheel and choose where, or let someone else do so?

And sometimes, people will choose to get off. We can choose how we react to that.

The key lesson is that this bus, is your bus, and this journey, is your journey. It will have bumps and twists and unexpected turns, but it is up to you who comes along for the ride, and where you want to go.

And finally.
Alex and Ben are going for a walk.

In support of the charity Big Change, they will be walking 100km along the Ridgeway - Britain's oldest path.

They got quite frightened when they did the maths and worked out this is 1.18 marathons per day for two days.

But the cause is good. Big Change create innovation in education, ensuring every child has the right support and the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or the challenges they face.

If you'd like to throw a few pounds in support, you can do so here.

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!