#founderhacks no. 5


Turn Around 
This week we heard from a founder who was in a slump. They were overwhelmed by issues in their personal and business lives. 

They recognised this and decided to turn it around.  Their approach was interesting.  They made an audacious plan.

For them, this meant heading halfway around the world to create a new life. They researched it in detail, setting travel plans, looking at schools and potential properties.  They checked in with colleagues and asked what it would look like if they were only available remotely.

Having finished the plan, they made an interesting discovery. They no longer felt "trapped" and so become more empowered and effective. They found themselves more able to confront the issues that led to the slump.

Simply knowing that there was a way out had shifted their mindset.  

They're still deciding whether or not they will carry out the plan.  We'll see what happens. But this story reminded us how powerful it is when founders learn to consciously manage their mindset.


Tune In
There are other ways to change your mindset. This week we came across an article from Medium about how sportspeople use music to prepare before they perform.

We usually have mixed feelings about sports-business metaphors (listen to our podcast).

But this reminded all of us that people who have to perform on demand to tend to know how to control their mindset. 

Most of us allow our mindset to be a result of what's going on around us. For athletes, that's not an option. Whatever is happening in their lives or just in the moment, they need to be ready to perform immediately when the starting whistle blows.

So when you need to be in a particular mindset to perform a task to the best of your ability - what music could help?


Tone Up
Small habits also impact mindset.  Especially at the start of the day.

The difference between making your bed or leaving it a mess.  Of sitting calmly to eat breakfast before leaving the house, or running out the door in a panic with a slice of dry toast and cup of hastily made coffee.

Think about the first five actions of your morning routine.

If you knew these would set the tone for the rest of your day, what would you do differently?

What habits could you tone up to make sure every day is as you want it?

And finally.
Ben has been listening to Antônio Carlos Jobim. It's made him very chilled. After the last Atomex meeting Ben thought he better send his playlist to Antony and Alex. 

We'll see what happens.

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!