#founderhacks no. 29


You've dated. You've wined and dined. You've exchanged commitments and set our your mutual stalls. It all seems great, yet at the altar, it all goes wrong.

This week we heard a story about a business deal that fell at the last hurdle. After weeks of patient negotiation, one side decided not to go forward.

In this instance, the jilted party conceded their appetite for boldness simply outstripped that of their would-be partner.

When it comes to being bold, it can be critical to check both sides bellies are as big as each side's eyes.


This week a business barely into it's teenage years bought a venerable stalwart of the British high street.

Boohoo, founded in 2006, found itself acquiring the 242 year old Debenhams brand.

As well as being a moment of sadness to see such a long established business fall, it was inspirational for founders everywhere to consider what can be achieved when a bold strategy creates unprecedented growth.  

At 14 years old, Boohoo is a mere teenager.  But maybe this is a message that in a world of perpetual change, failure to adapt is not a choice. The future really belongs to the bold.


We've often discussed how intimately connected founders can be to their businesses. 

It seems to us the growth of businesses is often limited only by the founders ability to grow themselves.

How about flipping that on it's head?

Can you set a goal so big that you can't achieve it, until you grow into a person that can?

Maybe take another look at your goals. If they don't intimidate you, could you stretch them? Then consider what growth you would need to do to achieve them, and what investment that would take?

And finally.
There are a million models of leadership and our experience has been none of them are correct. But most are interesting.

One model we came across this week is that there are two kinds of individuals who end up leading people.

Dominant individuals are mimicked out of fear.

Prestigious individuals and followed out of freely bestowed respect.

Which would you prefer to be?

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!