#founderhacks no. 13


With or Without?
We're seeing a lot of businesses facing the challenge of whether and how to reopen their offices.

Equally many are confronting that their staff have strong opinions, and new preferences, about how and where they work.

We've seen many work with the learning of lockdown and reappraising their views. Some moving to focusing more on productivity than on rules about when and where work happens.

Equally others who have enjoyed the efficiency of remote working, are hearing from people who miss being with their team.

We also recognise that many of the people we've relied on these past months don't have that choice. Doctors, teachers, delivery workers, engineers and many others kept society going. 

Maybe this context - that this choice is a privilege in itself - might help us remember to keep our minds open. 


Without Hope.
We read this article regarding the collapse of Wirecard. 

We felt this was a powerful reminder of how far we can stray from the path of doing the right thing in our businesses. The story is shocking, and one of extreme deception.

Whilst easy to simply blame the loss of moral compass, we wondered where this comes from.

The path to this level may start with a single step off the path. Once that step is taken, the next seems somehow less significant. Equally, that first step may be driven by greed or evil, but it's equally often a response to being told to deliver results at any cost, or having your back against the wall.

How a business maintains its morality, for us, will always be down to its culture and how it's led. If you are a founder, or a leader, ensuring your business does right, comes down to you.


Without Fear.
At many points as founders, we face the unknown. This can mean personal, as well as business risks. The fear of failing, and the implications for yourself and your family can be very real.

So is it a competency to stare into the abyss, without fear?

Many founders, when they reflect, realise there are points at which fear has driven them. 

Others learn over time to let go of fear.

Understanding what drives you and how that helps or hinders you, is important learning for us all.

And finally.
Alex has bought a cycling desk.  This has made for some interesting Zoom calls.  During our last he made it as far as Luton.  It was quite impressive.

Don’t forget to check out the accompanying podcast version of #founderhacks for a tantalising live experience of team atomex!