#founderhacks no. 1

As you may know we started Atomex about a year go.  We've learned loads and as we've completed our first few projects. 

Recently we started getting together each week and each sharing one thing we've seen, one thing we've read, and one thing we've learned, that had stimulated insight or action for the founders of the businesses we work with.  

We decided to start sharing the best ones each week in an email.  Below is our first one.

If you like it, and would like to subscribe please click here to sign up and we'll keep them coming.  If not, thank you for letting us send this one to you and feel free to let us know what you think anyway.

Antony, Ben and Alex


Even in the face of changing goalposts, improved readiness is always a positive outcome.
A business we were working with this week spent huge energy preparing to re-open, anticipating the relaxing of the lock-down rules.  However, when the technical details of the next phase were released, they found that they would not be able to.

The team were frustrated and disheartened, but the leader responded differently. 

Instead he saw the positives of improved readiness and encouraged his team to take the extra time to rest up, enjoy their families and be prepared to go fast when the opportunity arrives.  For founders, positivity is not an attitude but a capability.


In the light of COVID the future is more uncertain than ever.  This fascinating article from Forbes looks at the possible shapes the coming economic change could take.
Each will demand different capabilities from us and our businesses.

Will you be able to rapidly shift gears to seize the advantage of a V, or be robust enough to weather a prolonged U? How about having the sustained agility to cope with a W, or the downright tenacity to survive an L?


Creativity can be the difference between survival and not.
Creativity is not just a way to solve problems, but a great energiser of businesses and people in itself.  Being involved in creativity feels good, and that’s really helpful right now.

And finally.
This week we have been a bit obsessed with the recent BitCoin Halving (Halvening?) event.  Alex and Ben kept looking at the price in meetings, and annoying Antony.  Then he bought some too.  We'll see what happens.